If you getting an error “Transport Control Program TP Ended with Error Code 200″ then you should check your TP log especially for ENVIRONMENT VARIABLE informations.
Let’s check an example like below ;
You are trying to import a transport request to a SAP system and getting the error.
Detail button shows below popup.
“TP System Log” output ;
Now we can check also “R3trans -x” and “R3trans -d”
Trans.log gives the following info ;
“SAP-Profile is not used; in this case check the profile parameters”
Our SAPSYSTEMNAME environment parameter is missing
Assign this parameter shown below ;
Restart the SAP system (Also restart the OS or LogOn/LogOff for the related OS user)
Now check the “R3Trans” output again.
And final action is ; restarting the “importing transport request operation” again…
I hope it will help you for the related issue…
Good one and well preparation
Thank you so much…I will be happy if i can help you…
Thanks a lot!!!
You are welcome Alejandro