“BR0123E Format error found in line” for ArchSID.log file

If you getting error like “BR0123E Format error found in line” for ArchSID.log file in your Redolog backup action file , then you should check the following solution.

You have checked your DB13 and your situation like below ;

"BR0123E Format error found in line" for ArchSID.log file

Then you should check the “Redolog Backup  Detail Log”

"BR0123E Format error found in line" for ArchSID.log file

Error info like ;

BR0123E Format error found in line 492467 of W:\oracle\SID\saparch\archSID.log at location arch_last_get-10
…… …………
BR0121E Processing of log file W:\oracle\SID\saparch\archSID.log failed

Solution ;

Go to the related directory and replace the corrupted “archSID.log” file and create a new one like below

"BR0123E Format error found in line" for ArchSID.log file

Last Situation after the new “archSID.log” file has created.

"BR0123E Format error found in line" for ArchSID.log file




One Response to "“BR0123E Format error found in line” for ArchSID.log file"

  1. Shakthi says:

    Thanks this surely helped!!!

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