SAP Automated Note Search Tool ANST_SEARCH_TOOL

ANST is an application that will help SAP customers to find SAP Notes in order to solve their problems easily.

You can check the related components and solution notes depending on your problem , you just need to reproduce the problem via ANST_SEARCH_TOOL to get all this informations..

Reference to Support Packages

Software Component                        Release     Package name
SAP Basis component
700          SAPKB70028
701          SAPKB70113
702          SAPKB70213
731          SAPKB73106

As of Release 740 ANST is available for All support packages

To open the tool  , just execute the transaction code ANST

SAP Automated Note Search Tool ANST_SEARCH_TOOL

For an example you are getting some dumbs while you are working with transaction code SM19 , then just fill the related areas like show below.

Also you can use the different kind of “Execution Data” areas such as “Program”.

SAP Automated Note Search Tool ANST_SEARCH_TOOL

 F8 – Execute

Now you should “ReProduce” the problem to get needed information for ANST tool , after you finished just go back with BACK button.

SAP Automated Note Search Tool ANST_SEARCH_TOOL

You will see the “Components” which are belongs to your operation.

Select the related component/s which you want to get the OSS note/s and click the button “Note Search”

SAP Automated Note Search Tool ANST_SEARCH_TOOL

You will get the oss note information which relevants your process…

SAP Automated Note Search Tool ANST_SEARCH_TOOL

6 Responses to "SAP Automated Note Search Tool ANST_SEARCH_TOOL"

  1. Gideon says:

    Sometimes and more times I use this tools get same message You not authorized after finish my trace, Any information to solved this issue? is it issue in ANST too?

  2. sapbasisinfo says:

    Did you try with different user? seems that related to your authorizations.

    • Gideon says:

      I use Administrator user to use ANST.. I just use profile SAP_ALL, or I must add profile SAP_NEW to process this?
      I have to raise oss ticket about this issue, and they solve the issue but in another case, same error still appear

  3. Gideon says:

    I want added more information about not authorized,
    So, when I run ANST, I want to trace transaction with ending is shortdump,
    at the end of ANST will show message error You are not Authorization to Transaction XXX (according to transaction with ended with dump).

    any idea to resolved this issue?
    yesterday I try again to trace issue, but last I use ANST even the ended is dump, ANST generate tracing and can used

  4. rajat says:

    When i execute the tcode ANST_SEARCH_TOOL system displays a message that the transaction code does not exist.

    • sapbasisinfo says:

      Hello Rajat ,

      Please check you support package level;

      SAP Basis component
      700 SAPKB70028
      701 SAPKB70113
      702 SAPKB70213
      731 SAPKB73106

      As of Release 740 ANST is available for All support packages

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