Archive for November, 2015

SAPOSCOL not running ? (shared memory not available )

SAPOSCOL not running ? (shared memory not available )
November 19, 2015 | No Comments »

If you are getting the error message like “SAPOSCOL not running ? (shared memory not available )” when you are trying to access transaction code ST06 then you should check the “saposcol” situation over the OS level.

Cannot Determine MSHOST

Cannot Determine MSHOST
November 16, 2015 | No Comments »

If you are getting an error like “cannot determine mshost” while you are trying to import a request to you SAP system , then you should check the following tips to eliminate this situation.

Changing Java Stack TimeZone Setting

Changing Java Stack TimeZone Setting
November 10, 2015 | No Comments »

If you want to change your timezone setting for your SAP system’s “JAVA Stack” then you should follow the below steps..

Start Profile Error in RZ10 “already reserved for another profile type”

Start Profile Error in RZ10 "already reserved for another profile type"
November 04, 2015 | No Comments »

If you are getting an error for your “Start Profile” while importing or checking the profile files via tcode RZ10 then you should check the following SAP OSS note solution.
