If you are getting an error like “Name or Password is incorrect” for “Workflow_Local_<ClientNumber>” on TRFC (Transaction SM58) then you should check the Workflow_Local_<ClientNumber> RFC connection on transaction code SM59.
Archive for January, 2016
Entry found in buffer with no data file(s) transferred yet
If you are getting an error message like “Error : n entry found in buffer with no data file(s) transferred yet. Import has to be stopped!” while trying to import a transport request via STMS then it’s better to check this article before trying to find a solution…
Entry found in buffer with no data file(s) transferred yet
If you are getting an error message like “Error : n entry found in buffer with no data file(s) transferred yet. Import has to be stopped!” while trying to import a transport request via STMS then it’s better to check this article before trying to find a solution…
SAP BPC Web Page Shows Blank Screen After Upgrade
After Support Package upgrade operation on SAP BPC , web page shows blank screen when you are trying to logging into the web client.
Zero Downtime Mode is Not Running
If you are getting “Zero Downtime Mode is Not Running” message while middle of your operation then you can check the following solution…
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