Zero Downtime Mode is Not Running

If you are getting “Zero Downtime Mode is Not Running” message while middle of your operation then you can check the following solution…

I have got this message screen while “EHP7 Stack 10″ upgrade operation was working…

Zero Downtime Mode is Not Running

Then we should check the following steps ;

  1. Log on to the shadow system
  2. call transaction CRR_CONTROL
  3. check the replication state

Shadow system’s CRR_CONTROL output ;

Zero Downtime Mode is Not Running

We have to “Start Transfer” before continue to our process.

For this ;

Control –> Start Transfer

Zero Downtime Mode is Not Running

Now we should see the status GREEN like below

Zero Downtime Mode is Not Running

Now we can try again with the option “Check Status Again

Zero Downtime Mode is Not Running

And i hope that you will get the following “completed” screen for the related phase.

Zero Downtime Mode is Not Running


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