If you want to install “HANA System” on your SUSE Linux installation , then you should select the following “Software’s” according to related SAP OSS notes while your Linux system installation is running.
1310037 – SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 11: Installation notes
Validity: 08.09.2015 – active
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11
- Base System
- Help and Support Documentation
- Minimal System (Appliances)
- X Window System (only as an option, but we need at least the X11-server and X11-libs to run the grafical installer)
- Print Server
- SAP Application Server Base
- Web-Based Enterprise Management
- C/C++ Compiler and Tools
Optional software selections:
- Gnome Desktop Environment
- If you intend to install Oracle and SAP on the same system, please, do not install the “Oracle Server Base” pattern (i.e. the “orarun” RPM package) on the system. Doing so, will prevent “sapinst” from doing a correct installation of the SAP system parts.
- If your SAP component requires the java jdk 1.4.2 you need to install the java JDK from the additional SDK media. This media is available at:http://download.suse.comSelect the “SUSE Linux Enterprise Software Development Kit” as product and version 11 (same Service Pack) of this product. Press the button “search” to get a download list. You will need a SUSE account to proceed with the download
1855805 – Recommended SLES 11 packages for HANA support on OS level
Validity: 11.06.2013 – active
The installation of the patterns “Minimal” and “Base” is strongly recommended because these patterns already contain most linux tools the development support will need to quickly analyze issues on your system.
Additionally the installation of these packages might be requested by your support contact during message processing:
bing A Point-to-Point Bandwidth Measurement Tool
bonnie File System Benchmark
cairo Vector Graphics Library
findutils-locate Tool for Locating Files
graphviz Graph Visualization Tools
iptraf TCP/IP Network Monitor
krb5-32bit MIT Kerberos5 Implementation–Libraries
krb5-client MIT Kerberos5 implementation – client programs
nfs-client Support Utilities for NFS
sensors Hardware health monitoring for Linux
Additionally for the support of SSL the installation of the packages sapCrypto and SAR is needed.
“SUSE Linux Enterprise 11 SP4 for SAP Applications” Installation screen for the related selection area ;
Please send SAP HANA installation on SUSE Linux
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