You can Export a list of your SAP HANA systems from your “SAP HANA Studio” or you can Import a list of SAP HANA systems to your “SAP HANA Studio” easily with following steps…
Open your SAP HANA Studio and start the export operation with following steps ;
SAP HANA Studio –> File –> Export
Find the “Landscape” option from the selection tree and click it;
SAP HANA –> Landscape
Continue with Next
Complete the process with Finish
Now you can use landscape.xml file to transfer all your defined “SAP HANA Systems” to another SAP HANA Studio
To complete this step, you can follow the below import steps
SAP HANA Studio –> File –> Import
Find the “Landscape” option from the selection tree and click it;
SAP HANA –> Landscape
Specify the landscape.xml file you have already exported to import new SAP HANA Studio
Continue with Next
Completed the process with Finish
Now all exported systems should be imported to new SAP HANA Studio
I need to this procedure (Export) but using SUSe Terminal and Crontab for backup.
Could you help me on that?
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