“S/4 HANA Readiness Check” is a tool from SAP that help you to prepare your SAP system to S/4 HANA upgrade.You can use this cloud-based tool to create a detail report of your current SAP system before start the S/4 HANA project.
With this report you will get your HANA database size after the convertion, your add-ons compability status, which fiori applications are relevant to your users, which transactions are affected by SAP S/4 HANA, Business functions, Custom code informations etc.
S/4 HANA Readness Check is available for free, just you need is a SAP maintenance agreement (S-User account).
You can find all the details and the information from this address ;
SAP Help Portal “SAP Readiness Check “
Master SAP Note is ;
2290622 – SAP Readiness Check for SAP S/4 HANA
Implementation Steps ;
- Implement related snotes.
- Implement SAP Note 2462288 to collect the HANA sizing data.
- Implement SAP Note 2399707 to collect the simplification item relevance.
- Implement SAP Note 2443236 to collect the business process analytics analysis.
- Implement SAP Note 2185390 as a prerequiste note.
- Implement SAP Note 2568736 and prepare ST03N data according to the note if you use a copy from production system.
- Implement SAP note 2310438 as SAP Readiness Check for SAP S/4HANA note
- Execute the related reports.
Program SYCM_DOWNLOAD_REPOSITORY_INFO will download the abap custom developments.
If you got an error situation during this step like below screen ;
Then you should check the SAP note “2234970″
Actually summary of the note is; execute the report “SAPRSEUB” manually once and repeat the step again, probably you will pass it.
Program TMW_RC_DOWNLOAD_ANALYSIS_DATA will capture analysis data.
- Upload the exported ZIP files to Portal
Open the related portal address ;
Import ZIP files with “Import Analysis” buton like shown below screen ;
Now we just need to wait until the process is done
Result of the S/4 HANA Readiness Check tool is ;
When migrating from DB2 to HANA DB, is the readiness check also required?
We want to migrate using export/import method.
Do we have to check the custom code on Db2 Datebase before we migrate to HANA and prepare and change Custom Code?
How to check the Custom Code for the HANA DB Migration ?