If you want to uninstall your “SAP HANA Database Components” on DB server installation, then you can use the command “hdblcm” and complete the unintall operation fast and easily….
Archive for May, 2018
SAP Application Server on HANA Uninstall Steps
If you want to uninstall your SAP HANA “Application Server” then you need to use “./sapinst” option of SWPM to do it easily…
SLD Content (Model Version and SAP_CR) Update
If you are getting an error like “Cannot perform the selected import” while loading “CIM Model” or “CIM Data” on SAP NW SLD (System Landscape Directory) because of the version situation, then you need to update related model version and the content of your system…
Find SAP HANA Database LOG and TRACE File Directories
HANA LOG and TRACE files are located under /usr/sap/< SID >/HDB< Instance number >/< hostname >/trace directory.If you are using multitenant structure, then this directory shows SYSTEMDB and you can find TENANT logs and trace files under own directory (DB_SID).
HANA Software Installation via “hdbinst” command
You can install HANA database easily via command “hdbinst” on OS level in approximately 15 minutes (you can use “hdbsetup” for GUI installation)…
Get Description for a HANA Table Instead of usage DESC
There is no DESC command on HANA database to get “description” about a table structure, therefore if you need to get this information u can use the following SQL command on HANA database…
Create Diagnosis Dump File with HANA Studio
We can create the “Diagnosis File” via HANA Studio to use in case of our incedent requests.File generation process will take from seconds to minutes according to you HANA Database and using the HANA Studio is the easiest way to create these diagnosis files with just a few clicks…
Upgrade HANA 1.0 to HANA 2.0 on OS Level
You can find “Upgrade HANA 1.0 to HANA 2.0 via Hana Administration Console” in the blog but this time we are going to do this on “Operation System” level…
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