HANA Backup Status Check via SQL

When you are getting an error while taking the HANA backup, you can check the backup status via SQL to ensure backup is still running or not with the following SQL statement.

In our example, we are getting an below situation in DB13 transaction ;

“Backup could not be completed: [110122] A data backup cannot be created because another backup is running or a storage snapshot has been prepared”

HANA Backup Status Check

“HANA Backup Console” status ;

HANA Backup Status Check

Now we can check the backup is running or not via below SQL statement ;

select * from “SYS”.“M_BACKUP_CATALOG” where STATE_NAME=‘running’ 

If backup is not running then we can see a screen like ;

HANA Backup Status Check

If backup is running then we can see a screen like ;

HANA Backup Status Check

Now we can make a decision and action according to this result…




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  1. SANTOSH says:


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