STRUST – Issuer Certificate Missing in Database

If you are getting an error message like “Issuer certificate missing in database” while importing the certificate response via STRUST transaction then try the following steps…

In this case,  you are trying to import your certificate response from Verisign and you are gitting an error like below screen

STRUST - Issuer Certificate Missing in Database

Here is the details of the error ;

STRUST - Issuer Certificate Missing in Database

Open the certificate response in windows (you can use the MMC –> Certificate method also)

Goto Details tab and click the option “Copy to file…”

STRUST - Issuer Certificate Missing in Database

Export the file with following option ;

“Cryptographic Message Syntax Standard – PKCS #7 Certificates (.P7B)” and selected “Include all certificates in the certification path if possible”

STRUST - Issuer Certificate Missing in Database

Continue with “Next” , then open the new P7B file by double click and now you can see the below certificates (Below screen was taken from MMC –> Certificates method)

STRUST - Issuer Certificate Missing in Database

Export all three certificate with ; Right click –> All Tasks –> Export… 

STRUST - Issuer Certificate Missing in Database

Always choose the option “Base-64 encoded X.509 (.CER)”

STRUST - Issuer Certificate Missing in Database

Continue with “Next”

Concatenated the .CER files with the order –>  “Certificate  , Intermediate , Root” 

Goto STRUST and finish the operation with “Import Certificate Response” step

STRUST - Issuer Certificate Missing in Database







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