Send SAP Spool Output via E-Mail

We can send “SAP Spool Output” by e-mail to related colleagues…It’s so easy and it’s very useful especially for backgroud job’s spool outputs.

To configure this option we can follow the steps below ;

- If you want to send already completed spool output then first go to SP01 and find the output

Send SAP Spool Output via E-Mail

- While related spool request is checked , continue with “Spool Request –> Forward –> Send using SAPOffice” selection.

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- Please insert the e-mail address to  “Recipient” area , check the “Copy” selection and click the “COPY” button.

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- Now we can check our operation on the SOST screen

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- When SOST job works and operation completed then we can see the result in our mailbox…

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- If you want to use this feature for your background jobs automatically you just need to configure your “Spool List Recipient” area in your job configuration screen.

SM36 –> “Spool List Recipient”



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