ST13 Analysis and Service Tools Launchpad

SAP transaction ST13 Analysis and Service Tools Launchpad helps to execute a lot of service tools like BACKGROUND_JOB_ANALYSIS , BW-TOOLS , RSECNOTE , RTCCTOOL etc…

For this , just follow the steps below ;

Go to –> ST13

ST13 Analysis and Service Tools Launchpad

Press F4 to get list

ST13 Analysis and Service Tools Launchpad


ST13 Analysis and Service Tools Launchpad

Select one of them which you want to execute

For an example we are going to select “BACKGROUND_JOB_ANALYSIS” and execute

ST13 Analysis and Service Tools Launchpad

Batch job analysis screen will be come and you can select the input areas as you wish

ST13 Analysis and Service Tools Launchpad


ST13 Analysis and Service Tools Launchpad

You will get the result…


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