DISABLE / ENABLE SAPGUI Editing Options on SAPGUI Version 7.30

If your SAPGui EDITING options are DISABLED and you wonder why? Then you should check it from following selection area first…

Open your SAPGUI logon screen and its probably looks like the following screen

DISABLE / ENABLE SAPGUI Editing Options on SAPGUI Version 7.30

Then you should check the selection status below ;

Go to  SAP GUI Options Page –> SAP Logon Options –> General

“Disable editing of connection entries”

DISABLE / ENABLE SAPGUI Editing Options on SAPGUI Version 7.30

If already checked then you have to UNCHECK this selection.

Exit with APPLY / OK

Now try again via opening SAPGUI Logon Screen

DISABLE / ENABLE SAPGUI Editing Options on SAPGUI Version 7.30

You should see all editing buttons are enabled.

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