If you need to check ORACLE’s “Alert Log” and you don’t want to use SQLPLUS or you don’t have Authorization to connect ORACLE database then you can use the following ways to do this..
From OS Level ;
- Start the tool “ADRCI” from Command Prompt
ADRCI: Release – Production on Thu Sep 4 14:17:49 2014
Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
ADR base = “F:\oracle\SID\saptrace”
adrci> show alert
Choose the alert log from the following homes to view:
1: diag\rdbms\<sid>\<sid>
2: diag\tnslsnr\<servername>\listener
Q: to quit
Please select option: 1
Output the results to file: C:\Users\<sid>adm\AppData\Local\Temp\alert_12640_11804_<sid>_1.ado
Alert.Log output will be open after the selection execution ;
From SAP Level ;
Go to transcation code SP12
Performance –> Additional Functions –> Alert Log
Thats it..