Maintenance Certificate for SAINT Operations

If you going to try any SAINT Add-On Installation operations without any valid “Maintenance Certificate” then you will get “Missing Maintenance Certificate” message and you cannot continue anymore…

Then you should get a new Maintenance Certificate from

For an example ;

Trying to install a new Add-On on SAINT screen without any acceptable “Maintenance Certificate”

You will get the message like below

Maintenance Certificate for SAINT Operations

Now you need to get a new “Maintenance Certificate” to do this ; –> Data Administration –> System Data –> Find the SAP system

Go to –> license Key & Maintenance Certificate tab

Write your e-mail adress and continue with “Renew Maintenance Certificate(s)” button

Maintenance Certificate for SAINT Operations

If you don’t want to wait then you can download the license file to your computer with the button “Display License Script”

Maintenance Certificate for SAINT Operations

Now go to SLICENSE transaction code and upload it with INSTALL button

Maintenance Certificate for SAINT Operations

You will see a popup like below if you tried to import right license script file

Maintenance Certificate for SAINT Operations

Then you can continue to your SAINT operation without any problem.

Maintenance Certificate for SAINT Operations


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