If you want to use HTTPS protocol for your NWA internal addresses instead of HTTP address redirection, then you can use the following steps to implement this solution…
For an example, as you can see in the below picture, when you try to open “Integration Builder” on NWA screen, system automatically redirect you to HTTP address ;
If you have already closed the HTTP ports because of the security reasons, you probably get the similar picture like below;
Also if you are going to use any closed port fo an example like HTTP-8100 you might get the error message like this ;
You can see another internal address error in the below picture ;
Solution ;
You can find the details in this SNOTE ;
2359547 – How to activate HTTPS for Repository and Directory Tools
* Info : We will use the port TCP-433 as HTTPS
Related parameters ;
Parameter : com.sap.aii.connect.secure_connections
We have to change “com.sap.aii.connect.secure_connections ” from following address ;
NWA-> Configuration –> Infrastructure–> Java System Proper.–> Services : XPI Service : All Config Service
com.sap.aii.connect.secure_connections = messaging , all
Main Parameters ;
com.sap.aii.connect.repository.mshost : FQDN Server Address
com.sap.aii.connect.repository.mshttpport : 8101
com.sap.aii.connect.repository.mshttpsport : Empty
com.sap.aii.connect.directory.mshost : FQDN Server Address
com.sap.aii.connect.directory.mshttpport : 8101
com.sap.aii.connect.directory.mshttpsport : 443
Assgined as 433 parameters ;